Why SEO How to Improve Your Websites SEO Why SEO How to Improve Your Websites SEO

Why SEO & How to Improve Your Website’s SEO

As people of the twenty-first century, whenever we require more information on something, our first instinct is to look it up on the internet with the help of a search engine. Chances are that almost always 4 out of 5 people will click on the website that shows up first. If one is keen on taking their website to the next level, SEO may be just the genie-in-lamp you are looking for!

In order to increase your website’s chances of being frequently clicked on and visited, knowing and applying the concepts of SEO or search engine optimization, is essential.

So, what is SEO?

It stands for Search Engine Optimization, a metaphoric rulebook for companies/website owners to follow in order to help increase their website’s ranking on any search engine.

Why is it so important?

In very basic terms, SEO will only benefit the website itself, making it more accessible, available, user-friendly and trustworthy.

Nowadays, using search engines has become second nature to us. Millions of users take the help of results offered by these engines such as Google and Bing in order to find information. School work, news reports and almost everything that is available online are found through search engines.

So, let us see how you can improve your website’s SEO:

1. Not Another Trust-Building Exercise!

SEO is significant because it helps internet users become familiar with one’s website and eventually learn to trust the results it produces. If one’s website shows up more often on the first page of results, chances are more people get to see the website, click on it and if satisfied, build a reliance on the website regarding their experience. This way the website helps gather visitors, customers, and clients with the help of SEO by building trust.

2. First Search, Then Share!

Build and perfect your own personal profile first. Share your business profile URLs within your own profile, populate your about section with key details of your business, and mention the kind of products and services you offer. Your personal profile should be a visual landscape of your business so that people can relate to your business easily.

Even if you do not portray yourself as a brand or a person behind your brand, you can still mark the products and services on your personal profile, to denote your support for them. Promote key elements of your business and your blog on your personal profile to indicate your support as well.

3. First Place

If more than one website is selling or promoting the same thing, websites with search engine optimization are more likely to grab the attention of customers and viewers who will see the website show up in the first few results. This way cut-throat competition between websites can be won with the help of SEO.

4. Cost-Effective

SEO is especially important for small-sized businesses that are looking to advertise themselves without going way over their allocated budget. It allows one to do cost-effective marketing through search engines. If you have a budget, you can always use keywords to promote your website through advertisements thus increasing your chances of visibility in the search results. This way, the SEO helps to create an online presence through the website’s frequent appearance on search engine results.

Just realize that a search engine optimized website has twice the advantage compared to a website that is not. Therefore, choosing to apply SEO principles to one’s websites may just be the fuel required to help the company’s spaceship to skyrocket!

Here are a few key steps in order to build a great SEO for one’s website:

SEO Tip #1:

It’s all about the title! Make sure that every blog post/article posted on the website contains an eye-catching title that includes certain specific keywords that when searched for, show up in the first few results because they are included in the article. For SEO that is specific to a country, refer to cities and use indigenous terms that make the title of the article more relevant in order to show up first.

SEO Tip #2:

Along with that, use keywords frequently within the post as well, preferably in the first paragraph to build good SEO for the website. The more common terms, phrases, and keywords used that people tend to search for, the greater the foundation for fantastic search engine optimization! To do that, use keyword research tools that can help you find good keywords to use. Also, try using long-tail keywords that are longer phrases that people use to search on search engines.

SEO Tip #3:

Link it up! Make sure to provide users on the website, with suggestions for other articles and blog posts related to the searched article. This way it allows users to keep up to date with new and old posts that they might be interested in checking out. With interconnected links or internal link building, you have better chances of improving your website’s SEO over time. Same goes for external link building through social media submissions, publishing articles and news items that have your website’s URLs, and directory submissions.


Overall, it can be said that building good SEO takes time but it pays off in the end. For beginners, it is a new venture into the big sea of business advances. However, good SEO may just be the best way to garner attention from internet users and eventually build clients!

If you’re looking for help on search engine optimization, keyword analysis, search engine advertisements, and more, you can always get in touch with us for a free quote and analysis.