How to do Keyword Research for SEO Detailed Guide How to do Keyword Research for SEO Detailed Guide

How to do Keyword Research for SEO (Detailed Guide)

Finding keywords to attract prospects that could pocket you money is a damn intricate task, especially if you aren’t aware of the most “in the trenches” strategies.

(Which you will find in the post)

Strategies that slough off the exhausting part of finding keywords for SEO.

And make it simple to find relevant keywords or “hidden gems” from the trenches.

Without knowing the simplest yet extremely powerful keyword strategies, you would always face difficulty in finding keywords with low competition and high traffic potential.

As a result, your wish to propel in business organically will never be fulfilled.

This’s exactly the problem we solve in this post.

This blog dispenses top 5 methods to perform keyword research for SEO.

These methods would help you find “golden nuggets”, which you can capitalize on by creating top notch content around.

Without further ado, let’s dive into 5 methods to perform Keyword Research

infographic 15 scaled

1. Google AutoSuggestion or Google Soup Method

Over the years several tools have been introduced to help you find most searchable keywords.

But the fact is, none of the tools are as accurate as the mighty GOOGLE.

Yes! All such tools give you a ballpark analysis on certain statistics, which are sometimes accurate and other times – well, wayward. So solely relying on them is like living in a man-made paradise.

No! It isn’t like we outright eliminate paid tools; not at all.

The point is, none of the tools are as accurate as GOOGLE itself.

When someone is typing keywords in Google search bar, as they are typing, Google shows them different variations based around keywords to make it easy for users to find the relevant content they are looking after.

Google itself did not whip these related searches, Google has picked them up based on what people are searching the most.
You as a business owner doing your own SEO can look up in Google search and find keywords through Google Soup method or autosuggestion method.

Let’s see an example of it,

Suppose you type in “Weight loss”, Google would show you some variations of this keyword.

How to do Keyword Research for SEO

That means you have more keywords that people are searching at your disposal to create content around.

Wait… Before we discuss our next amazing method, Shouldn’t we dispense another cool hack to further leverage Google auto research?

There you go,

You can find more variations to the primary keyword by typing some question words before the keyword,

Such as why, when, how, what, which, etc.

This will give you more content ideas to create content around.

Isn’t it exceptional?

I won’t go to the next step until I fill you up with everything you should know about Google autosuggestion.

Here’s another cool method to find question based keywords by peeping into related questions.

How to do Keyword Research for SEO

See, these are most searched questions based around the primary keyword we typed.

Dammit, you now have more keywords at your disposal…

Don’t you think this tactic will give you a plethora of keywords? That you can leverage to make 1 year worth content.

However, sometimes (rarely though) you might feel stalled finding keywords with this method.

No problem! We have other tools in our toolkit to help you out…

BTW, one thing to keep in mind that the process isn’t like snapping fingers, it would take you hours and sometimes days to find hidden gems from trenches.

However, we have a dedicated SEO team who can do this for you.

2. Steal your Competitors Keywords

Don’t shit at me for saying this.

I’m not coaxing you to steal anything illegal.

Instead, I’m telling you to be a street smart cookie to shorten your learning curve.

Having said that, competitive analysis is the surefire way to hack what’s working in the industry.

Your competitors had wrapped their brains around and gone through a rigorous and dreadful process to find highly relevant keywords that solve readers’ problems

What if you played smart enough and discerned the reasons behind what’s currently working for your competitors?

That would set the stage for you to optimize content to not only attract relevant audience but also outsmart competitors by further embellishing content.

This process saves your time and energy and confers you keywords that can make you money.

Here are 5 Free ways you can use to perform Competitive Analysis

1. Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz’s free tool gives you the luxury to peep into competitors’ keywords by typing in competitors’ root domain in the search bar and smack search option.

The result will pop up that gives you a list of 50 top ranking pages of your competitor’s website with statistics on search volume, keyword difficulty and more.

Keep in mind that a free account only caters to 10 entries per/month. To have more, you need to upgrade the account.

2. Uber Suggest By Neil Patel

This tool precisely helps you if you want to know the country wise traffic sources, keyword difficulty, and estimated volume for every word.

The country specific data is especially useful when your target audience belongs to a particular area you want to target.
Like Moz’s explorer this tool only provides you a certain number of keywords for free.

What if I gave you the 3rd way of doing competitive analysis?

Here you have…

Through Google Search

Ohh!!! Again Google…?

Well, you can’t keep master at bay, can you?

You can simply type in competitors’ domain in Google search bar, like this

How to do Keyword Research for SEO

You see, the results that come against the search that has “paleo diet” as keywords.

So you can simply plug in competitors’ domains with any keyword to know whether they optimize the keyword.

3. Google Trends for Keyword Research

We apologize for bringing Google again in our conversation.

We can’t just help myself not to include Google in this topic

Anyway, Google trends tell you what’s trending related to your topic.

This gives you an opportunity to jump in and produce content around what’s currently hot in your market.

You can find trending topics by typing abroad keyword.

These insights allow you to jump on any hot topic that could bring an influx of traffic to your website for all the good reasons.

A caveat: Don’t get tricked into creating content around hot topics that don’t fit into your strategy…

By the way, if you have any issue with forming an SEO strategy that aligns with your business goals; we’re here to help you out.

4. Reddit, Quora, and Niche Forums

Do you know which is an online goldmine for research?

Yup! You guessed it right…

Reddit, Quora and all industry specific forums

Where else could you find people writing out their concerns and issues?

Because of the like-mindedness, people post questions about their problems with no hesitation or second thought, and members of the community sincerely try to solve their issues to the best of their abilities.

Here’s your chance to find out what most people are asking, or what bugs them the most?

This gives a sneak into their problem, which you can solve through your content.

Does that WOW you?

I guess so. The last method of doing keyword research isn’t much different either.

5. Leverage social media for Keyword Research

Social media is a place to have fun, but ONLY for common people.

Not harried business professionals like you.

Like Forums, social media can be a potent way to find relevant keywords straight from the audience’s mouth.

Well, there are a gazillion ways to do that…

  • You can leverage the power of #Hashtags on Instagram and Twitter to find keywords.
  • Follow professionals for LinkedIn to analyze topics they are discussing fervently.
  • Be on specific FB groups with activity. You will get to see people blabbing about their problems.
  • YouTube trending content to figure out the ongoing trends

Wrap Up

There you have it… I’m pretty sure that based on these unique and proven methods you’d be able to find niche-specific keywords and create mouthwatering and jaw-dropping content around.

However, these methods can be time-consuming.

It might take hours and days to keep the search going before you can find keywords and topics to create content around.

And as a professional, you may not have time for all this.

This is where we step in to find high-traffic, less competitive and lead-pulling keywords to capitalize on.

Contact us for your SEO Services needs.