Brand Brief Questionnaire

Let's work together but let us first know you better!

    Contact Information

    Business Information

    A brief explanation of what your business does, and who you do it for. Be as specific as you can;

    As a suggestion, can you frame what you do in the following sentence?

    We do ________ (the thing you do) for _________ (your target customer)

    Where are you based? Where are your customers based? Are there areas/regions/countries where you don’t operate at the moment, but you’d like to in the future? Any future location you might want to target?

    Use bullet points if you wish, and be as objective as possible.
    How are you seen at present?
    If you ranked your competitors in order of best to worst, where would you put yourselves?
    Where do you think your target customers would put you, based on your current brand and reputation?
    Is your brand in line with where you want to be on that list?

    What are the goals for the business in Q-1, and how will you achieve them?
    For example:

    What are your growth targets for the Q-1?
    Will this be achieved by attracting new customers or re-engaging old customers?
    Or you planning to sell something new?
    Are you looking forward to adopt new method to generate business?
    Do you need to adopt a new method of marketing/tools to achieve your goals?

    Again, use bullet points if you want to, and try to put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

    What image do you have at the moment, do you think?
    What’s the image you want the business to portray?
    What are the colors that represent your brand?
    Is your brand product focused or emotion focused?
    How does your brand communicate with their customers?
    How does your brand communicate in a contingency?
    What sets you apart from your competitors?
    Are you friendly and approachable? Professional and efficient? Big or small?

    Give us a list of maybe 3-6 competitors…
    The name of the competitor company and their website address would be useful.
    Tell us in a couple of sentences what they’re like, and how you compare to them.

    Branding Objectives

    Does brand require a completely fresh approach to their brand feel?

    How does this branding activity help that happen? Where do you want to be at the end of the quarter to set you up to achieve those big goals?

    We want to establish who your perfect customer is.

    There may be a few types, but the more specific we can be, the better, so try and be as detailed as possible. Your description could include typical age, gender, background etc.

    Tell us what you need the brand to be used on, so we can keep this in mind during the creative process. If the brand needs to be used on something very large (like a billboard or signage) or something very small (like a pen), this needs to be taken into account.

    What are the maximum paid advertisement budget scope for Q1?
    What are the maximum PR budget scope for Q1?
    Any plans for fresh Photography/Digital Video Commercial production?


    Clarify any deadlines that must be met. Please outline the key dates.

    Please state the expectations from the agency in bullet forms.

    Let's Chat!